Our Latest News
03/05/17 - The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) has announced 100% compliance by liable entities in meeting the STC surrender requirements for the first quarter of 2017.
Read more: CER Announce 100% Compliance with 1st QTR 2017 STC Surrender
28th March 2017 - STC Target released for 2017. The target has been set at 7.01% which equates to approx 12.4 million STCs for the year. This target is more than 3 million STCs less than the non-binding estimate for 2017 released last year of 9.02%
10th November 2016 - Ecogeneration Magazine have publised an article on Trade In Green and our Solar Power Purchase Agreement (SPPAs) offer. Our Managing Director was interviewed to explain how SPPAs can help our installer/retailer clients compete in the SPPA market against their larger competitors.
30th September 2016 - The Clean Energy Regulator is investigating allegations of certificates claimed for unapproved solar photovoltaic (PV) panels under the Renewable Energy Target scheme. A notice has been sent out to all installers and agents warning of the activity
Read more: CER Investigating the use of unapproved solar panels
14th September 2016 - The STC Deeming Period will start to decline from 1 January 2017. The deeming period will reduce from 15 years to 14 years for all installs done in 2017. The deeming period will reduce by one for each year after this.
Read more: STC Deeming Period for PV Declines from 1 January 2017
08/07/2016 - From 9 October 2016 the new standard for grid connected inverters is effective. Any inverters which do not meet the new standard and have not been approved by the CEC will be removed from the CEC list.
Read more: New Standards for Inverters Effective from 09/10/16
05/11/2015 - The Clean Energy Regulator has provided further updates to Agents about fraudulent activity involving small scale technology certificates (STCs) being created for PV systems that have not been installed. Five Agents have been approached and several have accepted business from the fraudsters. The regulator is asking suspected fraudulent behaviour be reported to them immediately.
15th March 16 - STC Target released for 2016. The target has been set at 9.68% which equates to 16.95 million STCs for the year. This target takes into account the expected generation for 2016 plus the undersupply of certificates from 2015