source: CER

Upcoming changes to compliance paperwork requirements in Western Australia

To be eligible for small-scale technology certificates (STCs) under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES), eligible and installed solar photovoltaic (PV) systems must comply with all local, state, territory and federal government requirements, including for electrical safety. The Clean Energy Regulator (the agency) ensures that SRES requirements are met by requiring scheme participants obtain documentation prior to claiming STCs. This includes all state or territory government electrical installation compliance documentation such as Electrical Safety Certificates (ESCs).

Specific requirements in Western Australia

In Western Australia (WA), the installation of solar PV systems is classified as notifiable work and therefore requires a Notice of Completion (NOC) to be completed and provided to the relevant network operator on completion of the work. Under the WA Electricity (Licensing) Regulations 1991, electrical contractors must submit a NOC to the relevant network operator within three days from the time the work was completed. This ensures it has been installed and certified in accordance with the relevant standards and legislation.

The Clean Energy Regulator has been working closely with Building and Energy (Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS)) to ensure the legislative requirements in WA are being met. From 24 December 2020 the Clean Energy Regulator will require the NOC, ESC and STC assignment form to all be obtained before agents submit an STC claim. Failure to upload the NOC and/or provide it on request may result in extended processing times or STC claims being failed.

Uploading documents in the REC Registry

The REC Registry allows agents to upload documents, such as compliance paperwork, when submitting STC claims. Uploading documents as you create STCs is voluntary, however, it may reduce processing times. If we request information from you, documents may be submitted via the document upload function in REC Registry.

More information

See the Document requirements for small-scale system installations page on our website or visit the DMIRS website more information.

Yours sincerely

REC Registry