source: Clean Energy Council

Energy Minister confirms that SRES will not change

In an interview in today’s Guardian, federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor has confirmed that the government will not abolish or change the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES).

This is a fantastic outcome that the CEC has been working towards ever since the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission recommended that the SRES be abolished in its report into electricity prices, with CEC Chief Executive Kane Thornton meeting with the Energy Minister just last week to put forward the CEC’s serious concern and strong opposition to any changes to the SRES.

With the federal Labor party also confirming that it will not make any changes to the SRES, it would appear that the scheme will be allowed to run its course until its scheduled expiry in 2030.

However, the changing nature of Australian energy policy means that the CEC will continue to advocate for the SRES to ensure that both major parties are aware of the importance of the scheme to the Australian solar industry