Small Scale Technology Certificates
Large Scale Generation Certificates
Peak Demand Reduction Certificates

Trade in Green - putting the power in your hands

Trade In Green are your turnkey provider for the creation, management and trading of renewable and environmental certificates for PV systems, solar hot water and heat pumps across Australia. Also coming soon the creation & trading of PRCs for batteries in NSW. We also buy and sell registered renewable and environmental certificates
Small Scale Technology Certificates

The Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme creates a financial incentive for individuals and businesses to install eligible small-scale renewable energy systems such as solar panel systems, small-scale wind systems, small-scale hydro systems, solar water heaters and air source heat pumps.
Large Scale Generation Certificates (LGCs)

Accredited renewable energy power stations are entitled to create large-scale generation certificates based on the amount of eligible renewable electricity they produce above their baseline. As a guide, one large-scale generation certificate is equal to one megawatt hour of eligible renewable electricity.
Peak Reduction Certificates (PRCs)

The Peak Demand Reduction Scheme (PDRS) is a NSW-based energy demand reduction scheme. From 1 November 2024 the Store and Shift method will commence for Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS). The PDRS was established to reduce peak electricity demand and pressure on the electricity network in NSW.

As you may be aware there have been a number of instances where non-genuine panels have been supplied into the market. Generally, this has been done without the solar retailers, installers or agents knowledge.

To address this issue the regulator and industry have developed a process to validate serial numbers with the manufacturer and ensure verified panels are installed. The trial has been running for some time and has proven successful and all industry participants are encouraged to be part of the scheme.

Message from the Clean Energy Regulator

Today, 70 per cent of solar panels installed and reported under the Small-scale Renewable Scheme (SRES) can be verified using SPV - with a further 18 per cent of solar panels currently being on-boarded, taking us to almost 90 percent.

As we get more SPV backed claims and fewer non-SPV claims, the additional scrutiny on non-SPV claims could be expected to take around two weeks longer. STC claims without SPV are subject to more compliance scrutiny and processing times are already increasing. We do not presume that non - SPV claims are not genuine, but inherently they pose a higher risk.

From 1 October 2019, we will increasingly ask for evidence to verify that solar panel installs are genuine. This will include evidence of verified solar panel serial numbers, and manufacturer confirmation. Where we request evidence you should expect to experience longer processing times.

What can you do as a Solar Installer/Retailer to be part of the SPV?

Firstly, many of our clients already validate the serials for their jobs automatically. Clients using the FormBay Installer App and installing solar panels which are already part of SPV, have the serials validated automatically.

We encourage all clients to be part of the scheme as this will benefit yourself, your customers and the industry by ensuring only panels verified by the manufacturer are installed and eliminate the risk of non-genuine panels entering the market.

To streamline your STC lodgement process and be part of the Solar Panel Validation process:

For Clients not already in Trade In Greens FormBay

  1. Register your company at the following link
  2. Ask your installers to register to use the FormBay Solar App at the following link Once they register they will need to call 02 9086 9184 and ask for their account to be activated

What Next?

SPV happens onsite, not at the warehouse. Simply ensure the install team collects all required onsite data via the latest FormBay Installer app.

As the app collects the required data, the app will automatically validate on the Solar Panel Validation (SPV) network. There should be no changes to how installers have always used our app.

Requirements for SPV validation...

  • Use of participating panel manufacturers
  • All panel serial must be scanned onsite with GPS enabled.
  • Use of the latest Formbay Solar app
  • Ensure the correct address is entered
  • Ensure the correct install date is entered

That’s it!!

 For Clients on Trade In Greens FormBay but not using the App

  1. Ask your installers to register to use the FormBay Installer App at the following link Once they register they will need to call 02 9086 9184 and ask for their account to be activated

What Next?

SPV happens onsite, not at the warehouse. Simply ensure the install team collects all required onsite data via the latest FormBay Installer app.

As the app collects the required data, the app will automatically validate on the Solar Panel Validation (SPV) network. There should be no changes to how installers have always used our app.

Requirements for SPV validation...

  • Use of participating panel manufacturers
  • All panel serial must be scanned onsite with GPS enabled.
  • Use of the latest Formbay Solar app
  • Ensure the correct address is entered
  • Ensure the correct install date is entered

Manual Lodgements

We understand some clients may take a while to transition across to using the App. In the meantime for all manual lodgements as we have done for sometime we require proof of serial numbers and panel brand and model. This can be in the form of:

  • Proof of panels brand and model (photo showing model of docket from supplier) and
  • Photos of the serials and barcode or,
  • Stickers from the panels with serials and barcode or,
  • Docket from supplier showing serials

Eventually however the regulator will require all serial numbers to be validated prior to lodgement so we encourage all clients to move across to online submissions. Payment timframes may also be affected.

Need more information about SPV?

For more information about the SPV please go to the following link. You will also find the current list of panel manufacturers currently involved in SPV

Feel free to contact us for more information

Participating solar panel brands

    • Akcome
    • Aleo Solar GmbH
    • Blue Sun Group
    • BYD
    • Canadian Solar
    • Chint Solar
    • EGing
    • ET Solar
    • GCL SI
    • Hanwha Q Cells
    • HT-SAAE
    • Hyundai Energy Solutions Co Ltd
    • JA Solar
    • Jinko Solar
    • Leapton Solar
    • LG Electronics
    • Lightway
    • Longi Solar Australia
    • Opal Solar
    • REC Solar
    • Risen Energy
    • Seraphim
    • SolarEdge
    • Solarhart
    • SolarWatt
    • SUMEC/Phono Solar Australia
    • SunPower
    • Suntech Solar
    • Talesun
    • Tindo Solar
    • Trina Solar​
    • Trunsun Solar
    • TW Solar
    • United Renewable Energy (URE)
    • Winaico
    • Yingli Solar, and
    • ZNShine Solar.